速報APP / 運動 / 记分牌 Hockey

记分牌 Hockey





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:小向西町3-18-2-102 川崎市幸区, 神奈川県 212-0004

记分牌 Hockey(圖1)-速報App

It's a scoreboard app for ice hockey.

It is recommended for use in the ice hockey and inline hockey.

Font size is displayed in the full scale of a screen. And horn is large volume.

You can remote control at bluetooth.

Please download Scoreboard Remote(Free).*

This app is free version:


记分牌 Hockey(圖2)-速報App

-Bluetooth to connect 1-on-1(Currently, bluetooth to connect 1-on-7 for beta testing)

Web Site:

Homepage - https://tokutenban.com

Twitter - https://twitter.com/7peace_com

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scoreboard-app/783128178408649


* Timer

* Scoreboard

* Penalty

记分牌 Hockey(圖3)-速報App

* Scorer and Assist(Double Assist)

* Shots On Goal

* Timeout

* Interval

* End Minor Penalty

* Game winning shot

* Large volume horn

* Large size font

* Bluetooth

* Support 7 inch tablet

* Support 10 inch tablet

记分牌 Hockey(圖4)-速報App

* Simple design!


-Tap Timer: Start/Stop (Edit Timer: after tap EDIT button)

-Tap Score: Count up (Count down: after tap EDIT button)

-Tap Number of light blue:Add Penalty

-Tap HOME or GUEST: Change Team Name

-Tap Period: Next Period

-End button at bottom center: End Minor Penalty

-Edit button at bottom left: Change Edit mode

-Tap Circle under Goal: Show Scorer and Assist

记分牌 Hockey(圖5)-速報App

-Tap Number of green: Start Timeout

-Tap Shots: Count up (Count down: after tap EDIT button)

-Menu button: To menu list

-Back button: Press to the back button and select OK at dialog

Other Features:

-At the start, Reset and Timeout function can not be used.

-Max is 99 minutes 59 seconds.

-Less than 1 minute, the display in 1/10 seconds.

-Menu button, you can sounds horn, switch sides, reset timer, reset penalty, reset all, settings.

记分牌 Hockey(圖6)-速報App

Recommended use:

-Ice hockey

-Inline hockey

记分牌 Hockey(圖7)-速報App